Search results for References by duval, m.
Duval, M., 2022. La figure du Noir ou la persistance de l’imagerie coloniale dans les aventures d’Astérix. French Cultural Studies 33 (4): 328-344 -


Smith, H.E. ; Price, G.J.; Duval, M.; Westaway, K.; Zaim, J.; Rizal, Y.; Aswan; Puspaningrum, M.R.; Trihascaryo, A.; Stewart, M.; Louys, J., 2021. Taxonomy, taphonomy and chronology of the Pleistocene faunal assemblage at Ngalau Gupin cave, Sumatra. Quaternary International 2021: 24 pp., 14 figs []


Smith, H.E. ; Price, G.J.; Duval, M.; Westaway, K.; Zaim, J.; Rizal, Y.; Aswan; Puspaningrum, M.R.; Trihascaryo, A.; Stewart, M.; Louys, J., 2021. Taxonomy, taphonomy and chronology of the Pleistocene faunal assemblage at Ngalau Gupin cave, Sumatra. Quaternary International 2021: 24 pp., 14 figs []


Walker, M.J.; Haber Uriarte, M.; Lopez Jimenez, A.; Lopez Martinez, M.; Martin Lerma, I.; Made, J. van der; Duval, M.; Grun, R., 2020. Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar: a dated late early Pleistocene Palaeolithic site in Southeastern Spain. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 2020: 1-50 -


Duval, M.; Cuyer, E., 1898. Histoire de l'anatomie plastique: les maitres, les livres et les ecorches. Paris, Societe Francaise d'Editions d'Art, pp. i-xiii, 1-351
